
Returning Student Housing Information

Housing Sign-Up Steps                              

Login to your WebbConnect

  • Select the Housing-Meals-Vehicle folder
  • Select your Housing Self-Service Portal
  • If you do not know your WebbConnect login information, contact IT for help.

Complete the Returning Student Housing Application – January 22nd 8:00 AM – March 8th 5:00 PM

  • Fill out the Returning Student Housing Application and select your meal plan when prompted to.

Pay your Deposit – January 22nd 8:00 AM – March 8th 5:00 PM

Selecting desired roommates – January 22nd 6:00AM – March 8th 5:00PM

  • All pairings must be mutual. It is the student’s responsibility to find and select their roommates prior to entering room selection via their Housing Self-Service Portal. All pairings must resolve any conflict prior to the room selection date or the group may not be eligible to participate in room selection.
  • Select your roommates in your Housing self-service portal under the Room/Roommate Selection Tab > Select Roommates > Select the Fall 2024 Term > Search for roommates by name or application answers. Only students that have completed their housing application will appear within the search for roommate section.
  • Group leaders: Selected by groups to represent them during the room selection process. Leaders will be responsible for selecting the requested apartment/room for all mutual roommates.
  • Groups must consist of the number of students needed to fill the space they are requesting to live in. Each group leader will be responsible for picking the desired hall and room during the room selection date and time.

Housing Sign-up Dates & Information

Open Room Selection: Credit Hours (Excluding Spring Semester) – March 20th – April 2nd  

  • For specific dates and time, see below in the “Housing Sign-Up Dates” Section.
  • Appointment dates will be designated based on the average EARNED cumulative credit hours between the individuals/group submissions. Each student will be weighed within the average cumulative credit hours system.
  • For all groups, selection dates and times will be available through the Housing Self-Service Portal and will be posted on March 23rd.
  • One person of the roommate group will go in and select the desired room for both parties. Students will need to decide what hall and room they want prior to selecting the room to ensure both roommates are happy with the placement.
  • During this process students must fill the entire space. This means groups must fill the entire suite and or apartment in order to be able to select a space within the Commons.
Roommate Group Selection Example
Group A consists of two seniors (92 credits + 96 credits / 2 = 94 credits) who all have submitted their applications.
Group B consists of one senior and one sophomore (96 credits + 56 credits / 2 = 76 credits) who all have submitted their applications.
Group A will be placed into the 90+ Credit Selection date
Group B will be placed into the 75-89 Credit Housing Selection Date

Important Notes

  • If you were not able to select your first preference, you will be able to sign up on a waitlist for your preferred space.  Available spaces may change over time, and no specific space is guaranteed.
  • Please note that all assignments made in the portal during housing sign-ups are subject to change due to the needs of the campus and shifting occupancy needs.
  • Housing and Residence Education will continue to consolidate housing spaces, meaning Housing and Residence Education may move students or assign new roommates to best utilize housing spaces (applies to apartments and Suites as well).
  • A cancellation would mean that a student would need to repeat the housing selection process with no guarantee of being assigned the same room. This is to give each and every student the same opportunity to apply and select housing for the next academic year.

*Due to growing enrollment, students are not able to purchase private rooms prior to the add/drop date. We are only offering private rooms to students who have confirmed needs as determined by our NOEL Center for Disability Resources that necessitates a private room.

The following link will take you to the NOEL Center Website, which has instructions on how you can register for services: /resources/academic-support/noel-center/services/

Once you sign a Housing and Meal Plan Contract and select a space, you are committed to the space you chose for the fall and spring academic terms.

Students who fail to enroll in fall courses or pay any outstanding balance by check-in day are subject to suspension/cancellation of assignment until complete.

Important dates to know

Returning Student Housing Applications will be available January 22nd, 2023.
Applications will close March 8th at 5:00 PM.

Selection times will be posted March 17th for Open Room Selection

90+ Credit Selection
(Students/Student Groups with a cumulative credit hour count of 90+.)
Monday, March 18th, 6:00 a.m. – June 3rd, 11:59 p.m.
This is an Online Process.

75-89 Credit Selection
(Students/Student Groups with a cumulative credit hour count between 75-89.)
Tuesday, March 19th, 6:00 a.m. – June 3rd, 11:59 p.m.
This is an Online Process.

60-74 Credit Selection
(Students/Student Groups with a cumulative credit hour count between 60-74.)
Wednesday, March 20th, 6:00 a.m. – June 3rd, 11:59 p.m.
This is an Online Process.

45-59 Credit Selection
(Students/Student Groups with a cumulative credit hour count between 45-59.)
Thursday, March 21st, 6:00 a.m. – June 3rd, 11:59 p.m.
This is an Online Process.

30-44 Credit Selection
(Students/Student Groups with a cumulative credit hour count between 30-44.)
Friday, March 22nd, 6:00 a.m. – June 3rd, 11:59 p.m.
This is an Online Process.

0-29 Credit Selection
(Students/Student Groups with a cumulative credit hour count between 0-29.)
Monday, March 25th, 6:00 a.m. – June 3rd, 11:59 p.m.
This is an Online Process.

Second Chance Room Selection
(Applications and selection will reopen for students that did not select during their given day or time)
March 26th, 6:00 a.m. – June 3rd, 11:59 p.m.
This is an Online Process.